Media Queries über SCSS Funktion

Datum: 10. July 2021
Autor: Bastian
Kategorie: Code
code example

Media Queries in CSS sind immer ein großes Thema. Um uns das Leben einfacher zu machen können wir einfach folgende SCSS-Funktionen nutzen. Unter den breakpoints könnt ihr einfach weitere hinzufügen – aktuell sind die breakpoints für Bootstrap und den WordPress pageBuilder WP Bakery definiert.

nützliche Links zu diesem Thema:

 * Media Queries for Bootstrap and VisualComposer / WPBakery
 * it is also possible to just write a number as min and max value

// A map of breakpoints.
$breakpoints: (
        xs: 576px,
        sm: 768px,
        md: 992px,
        lg: 1200px,
  //Visual Composer / WPBakery
        vc-sm: 768px,
        vc-md: 992px,
        vc-lg: 1200px


// @include respond-above(sm) {}
@mixin respond-above($breakpoint) {

  // If the breakpoint exists in the map.
  @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {

    // Get the breakpoint value.
    $breakpoint-value: map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint);

    // Write the media query.
    @media (min-width: $breakpoint-value) {

    // If the breakpoint doesn't exist in the map.
  } @else {

    // Log a warning.
    @warn 'Invalid breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}.';

    @if (is-number($breakpoint)) {
      $breakpoint-value: $breakpoint+"px";

      // Write the media query.
      @media (min-width: $breakpoint-value) {


// @include respond-below(sm) {}
@mixin respond-below($breakpoint) {

  // If the breakpoint exists in the map.
  @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {

    // Get the breakpoint value.
    $breakpoint-value: map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint);

    // Write the media query.
    @media (max-width: ($breakpoint-value - 1)) {

    // If the breakpoint doesn't exist in the map.
  } @else {

    // Log a warning.
    @warn 'Invalid breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}.';

    @if (is-number($breakpoint)) {
      $breakpoint-value: $breakpoint+"px";

      // Write the media query.
      @media (max-width: ($breakpoint-value)) {


// @include respond-between(sm, md) {}
@mixin respond-between($lower, $upper) {

  // If both the lower and upper breakpoints exist in the map.
  @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $lower) and map-has-key($breakpoints, $upper) {

    // Get the lower and upper breakpoints.
    $lower-breakpoint: map-get($breakpoints, $lower);
    $upper-breakpoint: map-get($breakpoints, $upper);

    // Write the media query.
    @media (min-width: $lower-breakpoint) and (max-width: ($upper-breakpoint - 1)) {

    // If one or both of the breakpoints don't exist.
  } @else {

    // If lower breakpoint is invalid.
    @if (map-has-key($breakpoints, $lower) == false) {

      // Log a warning.
      @warn 'Your lower breakpoint was invalid: #{$lower}.';


    // If upper breakpoint is invalid.
    @if (map-has-key($breakpoints, $upper) == false) {

      // Log a warning.
      @warn 'Your upper breakpoint was invalid: #{$upper}.';

    @if (is-number($lower) and is-number($upper)) {
      $lower-breakpoint: $lower+"px";
      $upper-breakpoint: $upper+"px";
      // Write the media query.
      @media (min-width: $lower-breakpoint) and (max-width: ($upper-breakpoint)) {
    @if (is-absolute-length-in-px($lower) and is-absolute-length-in-px($upper)) {
      $lower-breakpoint: $lower;
      $upper-breakpoint: $upper;
      // Write the media query.
      @media (min-width: $lower-breakpoint) and (max-width: ($upper-breakpoint)) {



@function is-number($value) {
  @return type-of($value) == 'number';

@function is-absolute-length-in-px($value) {
  @return is-number($value) and index('px', unit($value)) != null;